Best flight price guarantee
Best price guarantee on flights
We are so confident that we will find you the cheapest price in the market that we will bet our money on it. Therefore, as the only price comparison site in the travel industry, we offer you a best flight price guarantee (“BFPG”). This means that if you find online flight tickets in the UK cheaper than what you just booked through us, we will refund any price difference you subsequently find. The terms for the BFPG is stated below.
Terms and conditions of use
- You must have found the flight tickets at travelmarket.com from where you were directed to the airline or travel agency offering the flight. BFPG is only applicable within the same calendar day as the original tickets were purchased via Travelmarket.
- BFPG applies to the total price of your flight booking and not just the flight price you find at Travelmarket. The total price includes any added fees and surcharges for luggage, seat reservations, taxes etc.
- Remember to sign up for BFPG at travelmarket.co.uk. Then you are automatically covered when booking your flight through one of our travel partners.
Terms and conditions for BFPG
- You must have found the flight tickets at travelmarket.com from where you were directed to the airline or travel agency offering the flight. Tickets must have been purchased via this flow.
- BFPG is valid for maximum eight hours from the time of purchase and only within the same calendar day.
If you find the same flight at a lower price within this timeframe and are able to document this, you are then eligible for our BFPG. Your refund will be equal to the difference between your existing booking and the lower flight price found.
By the same flight, we mean a flight or several flights for the same number of persons and for the same routes, using the same airline(s), flight numbers, travel time, number of stops, outbound and inbound dates and times. - In case there are several providers of the exact same flight on travelmarket.com, BFPG applies only to the travel partner offering the cheapest fare.
- BFPG applies to the total price of your flight booking and not just the flight price you find at Travelmarket. The total price includes any added fees and surcharges for luggage, seat reservations, taxes etc. Currency must also remain the same as the original booking.
- By signing up at travelmarket.co.uk., you are automatically covered by our BFPG when booking your flight through one of our travel partners.
- Online prices can change on an hourly basis, which means that the cheaper price found may be expired and thus therefore not reflective of the actual flight price with the airline or travel agency. Therefore, BFPG applies only if the cheaper tickets are available for purchase online at the airline or travel agency from where they were found.
Do not purchase the tickets, however, just check that they are available for sale at the quoted price. - BFPG does not cover cheaper airline tickets purchased using membership prices, bonus schemes, corporate agreements or other similar forms of discounts such as youth tickets, senior tickets, etc.
- Any refund from Travelmarket will be made once the trip has been completed and on the basis of proper documentation, i.e. submitting a copy of your boarding pass. This must be received by Travelmarket no later than six months after the trip has been completed. Exceeding this deadline will void the BFPG.
- Subject to obvious technical errors, fallouts and typing errors in airline and travel agency prices.
You have signed up for BFPG and wish to receive a refund
- Make sure you have the adequate documentation for the cheaper option found, including availability at the quoted price. Please forward both a copy of your existing booking and all details regarding the cheaper flight found.
- Please follow instructions for submission stated in the Travelmarket BFPG confirmation email you received upon registration.
Contact details:
Travelmarket A/S
Nørregade 71
7100 Vejle
Mail: info@travelmarket.com