The city is far away from everything and it is a slow and uncomfortable journey if you don't travel by air. The hurricane Joan tore away most of the city in 1988, so now only the remains of the colonial architecture and the houses on poles are left. However, this doesn't make the seaside resort less attractive and the city is situated in incredible scenery.
Nicaragua's oldest town is Granada, which lies at the shore of Lago de Nicaragua. The charming town houses e.g. the Convento de San Francisco Museum, which displays masks and statues, found on the shores of the lake, and which are considered to be more than 2000 years old.
The intellectual and cultural centre in Nicaragua has been León for a long time; the city which also fostered the Sandinista revolution. There are murals and bullet holes to remind of the revolution. Moreover, León is one of the few cities where some of the colonial architecture is intact.
The prehistoric Nicaragua can be seen at this museum, which houses e.g. the site where some 9000 year-old footprints were found. The footprints are directed towards Lago de Nicaragua because they are trying to escape a volcanic eruption.
Palacio Nacional de la Cultura is one of the few buildings of historical value, which still stand after the several catastrophes and the civil war. At the entrance to the building you are met by two giant paintings of the two revolutionary heroes Augusto Sandino and Carlos Fonseca.
Nueva Catedral de la Purísima Concepcíon, the new cathedral, screams for attention with its pink and purple domes. Many people find it appalling, but it is still worth a visit.
This little filthy town on the coast has some of the most incredible beaches in Nicaragua. Pochomil, which is one of the beaches, is strewn with fine white sand and is bordered with lovely crystal clear water.
Central America's largest lake supports some amazing wildlife. The fish in the lake count as rare species as freshwater sharks, swordfish and sawfish, even though over fishing has made them a rare sight. Birdlife in the area is exceptional.
The biggest island in Lago de Nicaragua is Ometepe, which is a good place to go hiking. The two volcanoes, Concepcion and Maderas are popular sights when the hiking boots are taken out for an airing. Prehistoric statues and rock engravings are also some of the sights on the island.
The black forest is the name of this area, which is situated betwenn Matagalpa, and Jinotega in the northern part of the country. The forest consists of cedar, pine and mahogany, while the many exotic orchids only make it even more beautiful. There is a rich wildlife; the more than 200 species of birds fill the air with song, while monkeys and armadillos deep closer to the ground.
The largest cathedral in Central America is situated in León. This is where the nationally famed poet Rubén Darío is buried. The cathedral also houses some very interesting religious art from the colony period.
A little outside the capital Managua lies this national park whose main attraction is the fuming and sputtering Masaya volcano. Several smaller volcanoes and some hot springs surround it, which are very rich in minerals. The Spanish colonial rulers thought that this was the entrance to hell because of the bubbling mud and the oozing smoke, which veils the place.
A lot of the amazing landscapes in Nicaragua have been given the status as nature reserves in order to ensure the preservation of the country's rare ecosystems. The fact that the country is situated halfway down the Central American area makes it one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world. Here species from both south and north meet, while the country also connects the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Ocean, which provides all species from all parts of the country with optimum conditions of life.
This area is an archipelago of 36 islands, which is best known as home for a community of artists, established in 1967 by the poet Ernesto Cardenal. Wildlife and the lush scenery on the island are sights in themselves. The islands are rich in monkeys and in addition there are more than 80 different species of birds.
In the southern part of Nicaragua is a beach where turtles come every year to lay their eggs in the sand. The place is preserved because around 5000 turtles arrive at the beach between July and December.
Around 20 kilometres from Managua lay an extinct volcano, which is a popular spot. The amazing lagoon on the bottom of the crater attracts visitors from far away.
This resort was Somoza's hangout before the revolution and afterwards the Sandinistas made the place into a tourist paradise because of the nice beaches in the area. If you get tired of the saltwater, you can also find Central America's largest swimming pool here.
This island in Lago de Nicaragua has an old Spanish fort, El Morro, which was built in the 17th century to protect the island against pirates and British forces. The main town is a friendly fishing town, which has only one hotel.
About 70 kilometres off the coast at Bluefield's lie the corn islands, which have become popular holiday spots due to the wonderful beaches, the many palms and the beautiful coral reefs which can be explored by snorkel or by diving equipment.
Las Isletas means the small islands, and there are more than 300 of the kind, which emerged after the volcano Mombacho had exploded. They are now scattered in the giant Lago de Nicaragua. The island San Pablo has a Spanish fort, which is worth to take a closer look at, while Isla Zapatera is protected as national park because of its archeological characteristics. Isla del Muerto has many interesting cave paintings.